OSLO, Norway — Nigeria’s Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission will stage a pre-bid conference Monday, Jan. 16, for seven blocks on offer in the country’s northwestern offshore region.
According to PGS, companies will then be invited to submit their prequalification applications by Jan. 31.
Blocks PPL-300-DO, PPL-301-DO and PPL-302-DO are within the Nigerian Transform Margin area, while Blocks PPL-303-DO, PPL-304-DO, PPL-305-DO and PPL-306-DO are in the deepwater Niger Delta Basin.
In support of the round, PGS has prepared a package comprising ~10 000 sq km of merged 3D seismic data over the blocks, developed from various input surveys that have been matched, merged and re-binned onto a common grid.
The result is a single, continuous volume of full-stack seismic data in the time domain, the company said, adding that the coverage allows for a regional-scale understanding of prospectivity in and around the acreage.
The Niger Delta Basin features up to 12 km of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary clastics deposited in an upward coarsening regressive deltaic sequence. Main source rocks are said to be the Akata Formation marine shales and Lower Agbada formation paralic shales.
Proven reservoirs in the basin have unconsolidated sandstones of the Agbada Formation deposited as stacked turbidite channel and fan complexes.
Two main plays are proven in the Nigerian Transform Margin area, PGS added: the syn-transform Lower Cretaceous and post-transform Upper Cretaceous.
Cenomanian-Turonian marine shales provide an oil-prone source rock, with potential reservoirs deposited as shallow and marginal marine sandstones in the Lower Cretaceous, and deep-marine sandstones in the Upper Cretaceous.