BW Energy increases reserves at Hibiscus field

BW Energy has increased gross reserves on the northern flank of Hibiscus field offshore Gabon on results of a pilot well.BW Energy increased gross reserves on the northern flank of Hibiscus field on the Dussafu License offshore Gabon based on results from the DHIBM-7P pilot well.

The pilot was drilled from the MaBoMo production platform to a total depth of 3,941 m. The target area is about 1.5 km north-northwest of MaBoMo and was drilled by the Borr Norve jackup rig. The hydrocarbon column extends across the boundary between the Gamba and the underlying Dentale formation (OGJ Online, May 20, 2024).

Preliminary evaluation indicates an increase in Hibiscus gross recoverable reserves (mid-case) of about 8-12 million bbl oil. BW Energy plans to complete the well as a development well later in 2024.

Currently, operations in Dussafu will complete development well DHBSM-2H in the northern flank of Hibiscus South field that was recently successfully appraised.

The Dussafu license is within the Ruche Exclusive Exploitation Area which covers 850 sq km and includes six discovered oil fields and numerous leads and prospects. The average water depth is 116 m.BW Energy is operator at Dussafu Marin (73.5%) with partner Panoro Energy (17.5%) and Gabon Oil Co. (9%).
